End of term report.
Owen Ferguson
Presented To: Mike Elmitt
Report for term: Winter 2002
Executive Summary:
- Term was spent doing class work and reacclimatizing myself to on-campus life.
- Term objective to secure two thesis advisors: Complete.
- Term objective to write an acceptable and presentable thesis proposal: Complete.
- Thesis Proposal location: http://www.thenewflesh.com
- The printed document itself has been extracted from the Classics office, with signature from M. Liston, and left in the custody of M. Bird's office.
- Bibliography: Progress through start-of-term bibliography is proceeding well. Thesis phase reading will focus on books listed in thesis proposal bibliography. Off-syllabus texts I've been consulting this term are listed under "Bibliography" at the end of this document.
- An unanticipated hurdle was the excessive amount of pro-bono work for the IS program itself. Forum discussion group locations established include http://www.thenewflesh.com/sis/ and http://www.thenewflesh.com/sis/decorum/
-The largest stumbling block I've had to face is interfaculty miscommunication with regards to theology as doctrine vis-a-vis theology as dogma, and a syzygy of my ideas across courses which leads to confusion during testing and essay writing, to say nothing of in-class presentations.
Papers produced thus far this term:
-One exploring the concept of Catholic last rites.
-One on the rite of ordination in espoused at Vatican II.
-One exploring the use of the Sumerian concept of "me" and its memetic ripple effect in the downfall of several ancient civilizations.
-One rather disjointed look at the concept of the pillar and sacred spaces.
-One on parallels and divergences between "Eastern" and "Western" astrological methods for my Hinduism class.
-One on the life and teachings of St. Simeon Stylites.
Non-requisite course participation:
-In-class presentation in "Sacred Places" on the media ripple effects across cultures that archaeological exploration can have if not properly framed, focusing on the civilian slaughters surrounding the Ayodhya site.
This list represents those books not listed on my start of term plan, not listed on my Thesis Proposal and not on the syllabi of my 5 courses that I have read, reflected on or consulted over the past term. The list is not exhaustive, but rather serves to illustrate some of the mental syzigies I’m exploring in my spare time.
Kennedy, Haddad and Pingree, "The Book of The Reasons Behind Astronomical Tables",1981, Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, Delmar.
Dixon. "The Book of Constitution of The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada" 1957. Ontario.
Mackay. "Extrodinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds." 1932. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York.
Rowe. "Enochian Temples." 1994. Black Moon Publishing, Ohio.
James. "The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee: The Most Powerful System of Magick in Its Origional Unepurgated Form." 1998. Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul.
Mould. "The Angels of God." 1960. Clonmore and Reynolds, Dublin.
Prichard. "Ancient Near-Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament." 1969. Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
Heller. "The Swastika: Symbol Beyond Redemption?" 2000. Allworth Press, New York City.
Green. "Tales of Ancient Egypt."1970. Puffin Books, Harmondsworth.
Raman. "Planetary Influences on Human Affairs." 1982. IBH Prakashana, Bangalore
Bhat. "Fundamentals of Astrology." 1979. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi.
Ley. "Exotic Zoology." 1959, Viking Press, New York City.
Copi. "Symbolic Logic, 5th Ed." 1979, Macmilan Publishing Co., New York City.
Cox. "The Minister's Manual (Doran's)" 1993. Harper Collins Publishers, San Francisco.
posted by OwenF at 5/06/2002 09:25:00 AM