The New Flesh
Sunday, January 13, 2002
I decided to pull out all my links from my bookmarks. Feeling bored? Browse around!
Need Research Chemicals?
Want some old video games for your computer for free?
Need advice on hiring a stripper for a bachelor party?
Need a good sky atlas?
Want to read a funny story?
I'm not quite sure what this is doing in my bookmarks...
Physics Today - for your daily physics news needs. offers good usenet access.
The invisible library offers access to every book never written.
US Adults Have Seen the Universe and It's Pale Green. Newzoid, news from parallel dimensions.
War of the Worlds is a fun read.
Got a PLM-A35 you want to turn into a monocular head-mounted display? I didn't think so.
What do you do whan a little girl's parents murder her then get away with it? Compose a disturbing rock opera about the whole mess.
Ever wanted to get into Alison's pants? Now you can visit them as a virtual presence.
DJ QUAD has a very useful HTML tag listing.
Scare films, commercials, training movies and other wonderful cinematic ephemera.
The best clock on the net.
posted by OwenF at
1/13/2002 05:00:00 AM